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Therapy and Analysis of the Body, Intellect, Mind, Soul & Manifest Life in Vedic Astrology/ Jyotisha

Together with core predictive work, Vedic Astrology/ Jyotisha/ Jyotiṣa is a tremendous system for intellectual (Lagna-Pāka/ Paka Lagna/ Lagna chart), mental (Cañdra/ Chandra Lagna/ Janma Rāśi/ Rashi), manifest (Ārūḍha Pada/ Arudha Pada) and soul analysis (Ātmakāraka/ Atmakaraka)of a human being, either generally (static) or at different points in time (say during Gurū Mahādaśā/ Guru Mahadasha/ Jupiter Mahādaśā/ Mahadasha or during the period of some other planet/Graha).

Therapeutic and analytical work is therefore at the forefront of the utility matrix in Vedic Astrology for the contemporary person.

It is only when one is utterly ignorant can true wisdom come at another time, in life. Ignorance is a function of Tamas Guṇa/ Guna/ and Tamas Grahas.

In Individual ‘A’ we can assume utter ignorance at some point in life. This must be during the period (Daśā/ Dasha or maturity or some such timing device) of a Tamas Graha or if at a static level then through the Lagna Lord or the Lagna or the focus of the Lagna chart. Rāhu/ Rahu if afflicting, and please note the emphasis, because Rahu may not necessarily afflict, will cause delusion and loss of perspective. Cerebral action is high and yet all that thought might be to little avail when it comes to true awareness in a scenario of affliction.

Moorings are lost and formulaic structures might be superimposed, if the will and intelligence are strong and capable of fostering attempts at protection even during affliction. This may be at the level of the operating intelligence or the mind or even the soul, the last being the most potent since the Ātmakāraka/ Atmakaraka is the King of the horoscope according to Parāśara/ Parashara in the Bṛhaṭ Pārāśara Horā Śāstra/ Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra.

Say the malefic influences the Lagna Lord then the formula of the mind-body-soul continuum or part thereof might focus on existential matters and self-respect and pride and such self-centric issues since the Lagna Lord is like Sūrya/ Surya.

Much will depend on the nature of the Tamas Graha-if Śani/ Shani then the formula may include happiness or vengefulness as focus elements for a perceived future or present rejuvenation.   

The focus of the affliction is also important to gauge whether it is the health and personality which suffers or the mind or the manifest image or even if the soul has agreed to burn the Karma in a given lifetime.

The afflicted Moon gives challenges in emotional and social life and in forming meaningful bonds and connexions. The afflicted Ārūḍha Lagna/ Arudha Lagna or any Ārūḍha Pada/ Arudha Pada shows the impediments in visible, manifest existence and the afflicted Ātmakāraka/ Atmakaraka has many significations, the core principle being that the soul has agreed to burn off dross.

Depending on the areas under the scrutiny of challenging Karma, the therapy comes either from the healthy reference named above, or from the adept Vedic astrologer. This help through counselling and remedial measures rooted in Maṅtra/ Mantra and Ratna/ gemstones therapy, Yaṅtra/ Yantra etc. can transform life.

This is a route which entails a deep understanding of one’s person, life, events, purpose and actions and can be the most significant development in the life of a human being in the spiritual, psychological, intellectual and mundane or pragmatic reference.

Remedial measures based on supreme Jyotiṣa/ Jyotisha principles address life and Karma and mitigate the vulnerabilities of the human birth through understanding and propitiation. Diagnosis is not enough, treatment and cure are required as well.

The nature of the Grahas and Rāśis/ Rashis and Yogas involved help us devise a scheme to handle and navigate the Karma to the highest level possible. It is for this reason that it is said that Jyotiṣa/Jyotisha is for the King. It requires a lot of good fortune and auspicious past Karma to come to and benefit from Vedāṅga Jyotiṣa/ Vedanga Jyotisha.

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