The technique of the Tithi Praveśa (Pravesha) Chakra is especially useful in evaluating the course of a given year. Earlier when this technique from the esoteric traditions of East India had not been revealed to the people at large, people tried to travel deeper into the sub-divisions of the Vimśottarī Mahādaśā (Vimshottari Mahadasha) to try and develop a 'finer' picture. Needless to say this caused some strain as the increasingly finer sub-divisions of the periodicity depend in direct proportion to their basic efficacy to the accuracy of the birth time. The other popular option was to resort to the Arabic Tājaka (Tajaka) taken from the Tājaka Nīlakaṅthī (Tajaka Neelakanthi), a hybrid text resulting from some sort of collaboration. With the Varṣa Tithi Praveṣa Cakra (Varsha Tithi Pravesha Chakra), these issues are resolved and we can replicate the natal analyses in depth and scope so that a given year can be evaluated much as the life of the native is. It is like a life ana...
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