Johnny Depp is one of the most prominent actors in the world and in this article we propose to examine the manner in which the dicta of classical Vedic astrology map to the various features of his life. Johnny Depp Birth Data - At Lois Rodden’s Astrodatabank, the following birth data for Depp has an AA rating indicating an accurate time of birth- Natal Chart Date: June 9, 1963 Time: 8:44:00 am Time Zone: 6:00:00 (West of GMT) Place: 87 W 06' 48", 37 N 46' 27" Owensboro, Kentucky, USA The Rāśi Chakra for Johnny Depp’s horoscope is given below- Beginnings - Depp was born in relatively ordinary circumstances and was a high school drop-out who started playing rock music in garage bands in his childhood. See Cancer Ascendant/ Karkaṭa/Karkata Lagna in...
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