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Vedic Astrology Horoscope Analysis: Oliver Stone

Oliver Stone, born William Oliver Stone, is a renowned Academy Award Winning film director. Let us examine his life through the techniques of Vedic Astrology and apply them to his horoscope. 

The Vedic horoscope for Oliver Stone has been cast for the following birth data which has an ‘AA’ Rodden rating-

Date:          September 15, 1946

Time:          9:58:00 am

Time Zone:     5:00:00 (West of GMT)

Place:         73 W 59' 00", 40 N 46' 00"

Manhattan, New York, USA

I tend to feel that the time of birth requires a minute or so of rectification at the outset but this is not required for this study as the charts and planetary placements do not really change even with the minor rectification, this being requisite fundamentally for technical reasons. 

The Rāśi Chakra/ Rashi chart of Oliver Stone’s Vedic horoscope is given below-


Core Karma for the Entertainment Industry-

Right away some of the core elements of Karma in life are clear.  The Lagna/ Ascendant rising in the Rāśi Chakra is Libra/ Tulā/ Tula which is ruled by Śukra/ Shukra/ Venus and this planet rules entertainment and films in particular. Tulā is the Mūlatṛkoṇa Rāśi/ Moolatrikona Rashi of Venus and it is very clear that this will be the field of plat throughout the working life as the Lagna is the present and the personality and the theme of life of the person.

Mahāpuruṣa/ Mahapurusha Yoga-

The seven weekday planets or the Vāra/ Vara Graha constitute the Mahāpuruṣa Yogas in the Keṅdra/ Kendra/ quadrants from the Lagna- these being the pillars of life.

Venus is placed in Libra Lagna forming the Mālavya Mahāpuruṣa Yoga which leads to an acclaimed personality, great fame and awards and recognition, which have been bestowed on him in great measure.

This is further enhanced by the Dwi-Gurū Yoga formed by the Yuti/ conjunction of the two Brahmin Gurūs Jupiter and Venus in the Lagna. Both the esoteric and the mundane, in terms of perspective, and in terms of awareness and excellence in his craft are available to his intellect in full measure. It is the presence of Gurū/ Jupiter in the Lagna which has given him the required impetus to be a leading film director as it gives the Dhī/ the power of discrimination and the intellectual status to make the sort of films that he has done.

Maṅgala/Mangala/Mars is also joined the combination and forms the Gurū-Maṅgala/ Guru-Mangala Yoga which gives forceful and cogent expression to his learning and acumen.

Rudra Yogas-


There are two Rudra Yogas formed in the Lagna and the Saptama Bhāva/ 7th House axis and therefore the Yogas are absolutely crucial to his personal and participatory reality in this lifetime. Śukra and Cañdra/ Chandra/ the Moon in the 7th House form one and Mars and the Moon form it by way of the Śaśi- Maṅgala/ Shashi-Mangala Yoga. The Lagna and the Saptama Bhāva are the Satya Pītha or the seat of truth and since Śiva is the truth of birth and death, Rūdra Yogas in this axis are about things that inspire tears such as war and political excess.

War and political excess have been recurring themes in the films made by Oliver Stone.

Gajakeśarī Yoga-

The fame which has come to Oliver Stone is also visible through the tremendous Gajakeśarī/ Gajakesari Yoga formed by the mutual 7th House aspect of Jupiter and Moon. Cañdra in the 7th House is in the house of the other or the place where we interact with the others and while it is in the sign Aries/ Meṣa/ Mesha the Moon there indicates great felicity in interaction, brusque though it might be.

War and military service-

Both the focus on war in his work and Stone’s military service in Vietnam are indicated by the presence of Mars in the Lagna as the 7th House of war.


Oliver Stone’s father was a stock-broker which is shown by the conjunction of the Naisargika Kāraka/Natural Significator for stocks and trading Budha/Mercury with the significator for the father, the Sun in the 11th Bhāva from the Lagna. However, this is only an approximation and the clear indication comes from the Varga Chakra relating to the parents- the Dwadashamsha/ Dwādaśāmśa Cakra or the D-12 chart where the 9th House of father has the Moon aspected by the conjunction of Mercury and the Sun from the 7th House from the 9th.

The Dwādaśāmśa Cakra is extracted below for reference-

There is Parivartana Yoga between Cañdra in the Lagna of the father and Budha in the 7th Bhāva from the 9th which basically acts as if Budha were in the Lagna and strongly influences life, that of a stockbroker. However Oliver Stone’s father had the 8th Lord from the 9th in the 7th from the 9th and so the seeds of break in the marriage were there from the very commencement of the marriage. Ketu in the 8th House made it an incendiary experience for Stone when it happened in 1962.

The Mahādaśā and Aṅtaradaśā in the Viṃśottarī Daśā scheme are quite telling-

Viṃśottarī Daśā:

Moon Mahādaśā: 1956-09-08 (4:01:18 pm) - 1966-09-09 (5:30:06 am)

 Aṅtaradaśās in this Mahādaśā :

  Moon: 1956-09-08 (4:01:18 pm) - 1957-07-08 (10:20:27 am)

  Mars: 1957-07-08 (10:20:27 am) - 1958-02-05 (6:46:53 am)

  Rah: 1958-02-05 (6:46:53 am) - 1959-08-09 (8:05:14 am)

  Jup: 1959-08-09 (8:05:14 am) - 1960-12-08 (2:20:42 am)

  Sat: 1960-12-08 (2:20:42 am) - 1962-07-08 (4:57:10 pm)

  Merc: 1962-07-08 (4:57:10 pm) - 1963-12-08 (8:50:22 pm)

  Ket: 1963-12-08 (8:50:22 pm) - 1964-07-08 (5:18:12 am)

  Ven: 1964-07-08 (5:18:12 am) - 1966-03-07 (2:42:51 am)
  Sun: 1966-03-07 (2:42:51 am) - 1966-09-09 (5:30:06 am)

The Moon Mahādaśā is in Parivartana with Budha and so fully activates the Yogas in the Lagna-7th axis for the father including the placement of the 8th Lord Sun and either Aṅtaradaśā could have given the event. It had a deep impact on Oliver Stone who was away in school at the time.


The great Rajayoga/ Rājayoga in the life of Oliver Stone is also promised by the placement of the Yogakāraka Graha Śani/ Shani/ Saturn in the 10th House in the throne in Karkaṭa Rāśi/ Karkata Rashi. Śani in the throne in Cancer or Pisces gives Rajayoga.

Most importantly Śani is in the Ārūḍha Lagna/ Arudha Lagna which is the manifestation of the self in the created world and the loaded metaphysical propensity witnessed from the Lagna translated wonderfully into what has transpired.

Cancer has to do with the masses and people being governed by the Moon and the well-deserved Rajayoga of the slow and deliberate journey given by Saturn has made the success lasting.

Śani is opposed to the Sun and so many of his films such as JFK have had an anti-establishment strain or conspiracy theories such as that surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy.

Focus on politics and power-

The focus on politics and power comes owing to the placement of the Ātmakāraka Budha/ Mercury in the royal sign of political power Leo/ Simha Rāśi  in the 11th Bhāva from the Lagna. More than this it comes owing to the fact that Mercury and Sun have the same degrees of longitude traversed and the difference is only in the minutes of arc traversed. This leads to the phenomenon of the Charakāraka replacement described by Parāśara in the Bṛhaṭ Pārāśara Horā Śāstra where Sūrya replaces Budha as the Ātmakāraka- this generally happens around the 1980s merging into the 1990s which is the age of maturity of Sūrya or there or thereabout. Specific timing of particular films can be done with the Daśā systems but this is the principle.
Sun is the political planet although since this is happening in the Bādhaka Rāśi from the Lagna it takes on the character of political deviance and is at cross purposes with his private personality.

When we speak of the private personality the Navāmśa Chakra  gives the pertinent details. This Varga Chakra/ divisional chart is given below-

Rāhu/ Rahu in Karkaṭa Amśa/ Karkata Amsha in the 5th Bhāva from the Navāmśa Chakra Lagna gives the ability for profound political thought and this touches a nerve with the populace as well since the Rāśi involved is Cancer.
Rāhu is the planet of political machinations and intrigue as well as research to substantiate these theories. The other trine/ Tṛkoṇa from the Lagna has the Gajakesarī Yoga  in the 9th House with debilitated Moon and Jupiter in Scorpio. The sign is governed by Mars and Ketu and so war as a theme for his work, as well as the hidden, come from here and though in purist metaphysics the Nīca Cañdra shows afflicted emotional states which his films depict, by the time they manifest on celluloid they are garnering the fame promised by the Gajakesarī Yoga  in the 9th House. His mentors and influences and teachers include Martin Scorsese who are also quite Mars dominated in their gangster movies and are also famous icons in the realm.

We also find the planet in the Ārūḍha Lagna in the Rāśi Chakra, Śani, exalted in Tulā Amśa in the Navāmśa Chakra which has brought him huge success and accolades in this domain of Venus.

Venus is in the 12th Bhāva from the Lagna and shows breakage or loss of spouse and it is true that Oliver Stone has been married thrice.

The finer details as to work are always seen from the Daśāmśa Chakra/ D-10 chart which is given hereunder-
The first and most dominant characteristic is that the Lagneśa Maṅgala in the D-10 chart is placed in the 7th Bhāva which at once shows that the major theme in life is independent work, and also shows that the fascination with wars, battles and conflict will continue as long as the work continues.
The 10th Lord of the Rāśi Chakra Cañdra is in the 9th Bhāva from the Lagna is a Rāśi of Gurū which gives him the thrust to be a director as the sign of Jupiter imparts intellect and perspective required to direct projects at such a grand scale.
Rāhu in the 5th House and that too in Leo shows a strong leaning towards political drama and Mercury and Sun in the 5th House from the 10th show dexterity in work and political backdrop as the mainstay in future projects.
Śani is an Uttama Graha as it is placed in Karkaṭa Rāśi again and in the Ārūḍha Lagna in the Daśāmśa Chakra but in the 4th House showing that very rigorous preparation goes into all his works and films.

Best wishes,
Anurag Sharma
For personalized and confidential predictions see and follow the instructions in-

The paper on the transit of Jupiter to Cancer may be read here.
The paper on the transit of Rahu-Ketu to the Virgo-Pisces axis may be read here.
You can read more about the twelve Lagnas or Ascendants on this website for further correlations and insights.  



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