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The Essential Profundity of, And the Neccesity of Divine Grace in Advisory Work on Horoscopes in Vedic Astrology

In Vedic astrology, this Moon/ Chandra transit/ Gochara in Virgo/ Kanyā Rāśi/ Kanya Rashi, Libra/ Tulā Rāśi/Tula Rashi and Scorpio/ Vṛṣcika Rāśi/ Vrishchika Rashi in February 2015 gives us an opportunity to appreciate the profundity and divine grace that necessarily goes into elevated advisory work in individual horoscopes.

For instance, the Cañdra Gocara in Kanyā Rāśi, Tulā Rāśi and Vṛṣcika Rāśi is starkly afflicted but the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has had a landslide victory in the Delhi Legislative Assembly Elections in this very transit with the Moon signifying the populace. In an adversarial situation, the same transit has and must deliver very divergent results. Likewise, for individuals as well, transits must necessarily have very different results.

For one thing the Cañdra Rāśi/ Candra Rashi or the birth/natal Moon sign as the reference decides the Bhāva or the house location of the transit Moon in each horoscope. Even more importantly, the location of the transit Rāśi from the Udaya Lagna/ Rising sign/ Ascendant will completely transform the results. We are not getting into the Special Ascendants here but reference must be made to the Ārūḍha Lagna/Arudha Lagna/ AL from which all manifestation must be determined.

Such complexity in only the Moon transit must inform the reader that the elevated spiritual journey that the astrologer embarks upon in advanced consulting is no trifling matter but an evidence of direct divine grace operating. Vedic astrology is a magnificent system of rules which are literally incapable of being enumerated.

If we start with the high water mark of Jyotiṣa in the Bṛhaṭ Pārāśara Horā Śāstra of Maharṣī Parāśara the sheer weight of each Śloka requires all the magnificence of traditional learning, probably of centuries, for a Gurū to meaningfully impart it to a deserving Śiṣya who can then carry on the light and shine it in a myriad different ways in Jātaka/ nativities from across the globe.

In order for this to be meaningful and astute at the highest level of successful guidance the astrologer who knows the true meaning of each Śloka in the Bṛhaṭ Pārāśara Horā Śāstra must also be traversing the post-modern life in the Kaliyuga so as to coalesce the ancient and the contemporary and illumine the path of those that seek the guidance.

Then we have so many other classical works such as the Maharṣī Jaimin Upadeśa Sūtra, Sarvārtha Ciṅtāmaṇī, Sāravalī, Jātaka Pārijāta, Praśna Mārga, Bṛhat Jātaka and so on which view the subject at various slants and angles. Then there are gems of interpretation and originality both, held dear over centuries by secret traditions of astrology across the length and breadth of India.

Simplistic attitudes and therefore conclusions are therefore very distant from the true nature of classical Hindu astrology.

Moon in Virgo was not only joined Rāhu but also aspected by Mars with Graha Driṣṭi and was truly afflicted. Moon in Libra is aspected by the secret aspect of Rāhu and is also in Pāpakartarī Yoga, hemmed between Rāhu and Śani/Shani/ Saturn. If a survey is done then one will find very different emotional, social and psychological stimuli operating on different persons.

The transit chart of the Moon in Libra is given below to show the aspect of Rāhu and the Papakartari Yoga:



For a native of Mīna Lagna/Meena/Pisces for instance the transit Moon would be in the 8th House and forming Aṣṭama Cañdra from the Udaya Lagna which also means that Cañdra is in Maraṇa Kāraka Sthāna and is aspected by Rāhu and is also in Pāpakartarī Yoga. There may be business related and religion or Dharma related conundrum here with the Moon precipitating a crisis of sorts in the areas named.

Yet, someone may say that he knows a Mīna Lagna person and he did not appear to have any such problems. Did he know the Ārūḍha Lagna of the native because the external manifestation always comes from the Ārūḍha Lagna.

Praśna Mārga also teaches us the Cañdra Gocara from the Ārūḍha Padas themselves and not just the Ārūḍha Lagna and whether Cañdra supported or detracted from the Dārāpada and the Bhāgya Pada in the example above named would have to be seen.

Varga Gocara or the transit in the divisional charts is yet another matter. How does one know how a given life area if impacted unless the divisional transits are glanced at and correlated with the Daśās, the Gocara in the Rāśi Chakra, the strength of the planets/ Bala, the Ārūḍha Cakra and many other such countless and crucial determinants.

The blessed astrologer simply HAS to be divinely blessed for him to undertake and perform this magical herculean task with faith, dedication, abandon, selflessness and excellence.

Note, please that we are discussing only the peripheral aspect of transit of the Moon and not even the Gocara of other planets. In horoscope analysis which is undertaken by this astrologer in seclusion one can well imagine the level of spiritual and intellectual focus and dedication required to get into all those areas in the given horoscope which require attention. This is to say nothing of the requirement of internal purity and the strength of the Maṅtra and the Ātmakāraka without which this mammoth assemblage of diverse rules in spread out classics is incapable of assimilation.

Consider also the upcoming transit of the Moon in Scorpio where it would be debilitated and joined Saturn. What would one say. Is it not crucial to know whether the Śani-Cañdra Yoga forms a suo-moto Rajayoga in horoscopes in certain houses from the Lagna and whether any such Yoga is being triggered by this transit. We also need to know the views of Jaimini about exalted and debilitated planets to know that while debilitated planets/Nīca Graha have the capacity to dirty the entire pond the interpretation is not so simple when it comes to matters related to Artha.

The transit chart for the Moon in Scorpio is given below-




The Graha Driṣṭi/ planetary aspect of exalted Jupiter has to be seen to know that the malefic tendencies of this impending conjunction are being blessed, and thus mitigated by none other than the preceptor of the Gods.
What for instance of the Vakra Budha/  retrograde Mercury which has just turned direct on February 11,  2015.  While it is true that retrograde Mercury would have led to communications issues and bounced cheques and the like even in this day and age of punitive legislation, it is equally true that a retrograde benefic cannot be dismissed out of hand in view of its Cheṣṭā Bala or the capacity to strive. What has Mercury striven to make you understand in this transit. Do you have benefics retrograde or malefics in the nativity- do you find them insisting on the significations in their domain with the energy of a Bhūpa/ king.  

I hope this article makes it very clear that Jyotiṣa at this level is not a commonplace practice and there is a very different kind of human being at a very distinct place in his spiritual journey; even the consulter is at a very unique place in his Kārmic journey to be able to access this nectar of immortality given by the Ṛṣis even in this opaque Kaliyuga.
Anurag Sharma For personalized and confidential predictions see and follow the instructions in-
The paper on the transit of Jupiter to Cancer may be read here.
The paper on the transit of Rahu-Ketu to the Virgo-Pisces axis may be read here.
You can read more about the twelve Lagnas or Ascendants on this website for further correlations and insights.  


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