Dashas, generally : Dashas in Vedic astrology are the harbingers of Karma. The natal Vedic horoscope remains the same from birth to death but it is the Dashas, along with other factors such as transits (Gochara) that fructify different parts of the Karma in the same natal horoscope, and thus change life. Kinds of Dasha : Just as there are many intricacies in the Vedic horoscope such as Arudha Padas which were not as well-known a few decades back as they are now, though they have always been pillars of Jyotisha, so too the presence of various kinds of Dashas in the classical literature. Not only are there a host of Dashas, there are numerous factors associated with Dashas which are otherwise not known, and which are to be used for effective analysis of the Karma and predictions emanating therefrom. Higher works and distinct analysis : Just as one has been travelling higher in terms of advancement of the works written for consulters over the years, as awareness of princi...
Vedic Astrology consulting and advisory. Send inquiries and requests to ANURAG SHARMA at anuraag9@gmail.com.