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The Transit/ Gochara of planets in May, 2012

The first change that occurs is the Saṅkrānti with Ravi/ the Sun moving to Taurus/Vṛṣabha Raśi (Vrishabha Rashi). Vṛṣabha (Vrishabha) is a sign of luxuries and enjoyments, a love of comforts and the good things in life. Ravi here illuminates all these facets of life. Not everybody things of the King in this manner but one of the foremost significations of Ravi is abundance. Ravi is the provider and the giver of resources in His form as the Āditya/ Aditya. Without Ravi nothing can sustain.

The Preceptor of the Gods, the great Gurū (Guru/ Jupiter) also changes Rāśis (Rashis) and moves from Meṣa to Vṛṣabha (Mesha to Vrishabha) in May, 2012. The field of play is no longer that governed by the forthright Maṅgala/ Mangal but that of the other Gurū/ Guru, Śukra (Shukra) as the latter lords over Vṛṣabha (Vrishabha). Here, the best and the deepest significations of Gurū/ Guru might not manifest since he will be at the residence of his other extreme. And yet Śukra (Shukra) finds His highest exaltation in the house of the Gurū/ Guru in Mīna Rāśi (Meena Rashi)/ Pisces. It will remain to be seen in each relevant nativity as to how deeply and with what authenticity does one's value system adapt to the atmosphere of bounty.

Śani (Shani) retrogrades back to Kumārī Rāśi (Kumari Rashi) and Śukra (Shukra) also turns inwards in the company of Gurū/ Guru in Vṛṣabha Rāśi (Vrishabha Rashi). For those with this sign dominant in some form the transits will be quite significant. The Rāśi (Rashi) is the circumstance that partakes of other circumstantial influences and those born of desire. It is that which houses the manifest. It contains a peculiar manifestation and when twelve such combine upon the traverse of Ravi through them, it completes the world as expressed.

The attention to detail must be adhered to due to the backward motion of Śani (Shani) to the painstaking Kanyā Rāśi (Kanya Rashi). Ravi is weak in Saṅkraṅti/ Sankranti and so some time should be allowed while Ravi moves out of Saṅdhi/ Sandhi and into a relative position of strength.

At another level, Ravi shows the illumination in the world.  It is He who can make one shine bright with power and spirit and abundance. For those with problems with Kārmic (Karmic) darkness associated with Vṛṣabha Rāśi (Vrishabha Rashi), this Gochara of Ravi could well be a turning point since the Sattwa Guṇa (Guna) will obliterate the dark challenge and replace it with the light of pure understanding. This is all the more so because Gurū (Guru) is Abhilāśī (Abhilashi)/ desirous of moving to Vṛṣabha (Vrishabha) as well and is in Meṣa (Mesha)/ Vṛṣabha Saṅdhi (Vrishabha Sandhi) or the junctional area between these signs. Rāśi Saṅdhi (Rashi Sandhi) indicates the end and beginning. This could be the end of an old Kārmic Tamas and the beginning of a new Kārmic light.

This is also for the reason that Ravi is the Naisargika Kāraka/ Karaka of the Atma/ Soul and represents the soul. It is the soul which carries the Karma. If Ravi becomes the Ātmakāraka/ Atmakaraka in any given nativity then it indicates a high level of soul development and there is little to do except follow the dictates of the soul. In such horoscopes and Kuṅdalīs/ Kundalis, such matters may gain greater prominence. With Gurū/ Guru intending to move at the realiest to Vṟṣabha (Vrishabha), the cumulative Sattwa is a good sign for Taurus Rāśi (Rashi).   


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