The concept of social distancing, when examined through the principles of Vedic astrology, is best broken down first as an expression, into its primary constituents- social and distancing. Society, and all things social, amongst the Grahas, are governed by the planet Moon. Moon (Chandra) is the significator (Karaka) for society and our interaction with others in society. Distancing then necessarily implies something which influences the Moon to alter His innate behaviour, as it manifests through its natural significations. Distancing is a splitting apart, a moving away, which is a quality inherently harsh in its nature. Togetherness and proximity, interaction and sharing are being changed to distancing and separation. This is the work of the natural malefics. Interestingly, it is social distancing which is one of the most crucial strategies that are being used across the world, through lockdowns and other means, to save lives in the face of nov...
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