Vedic Astrology Transits on March 9, 2016 - All the planets are currently in fixed signs in Vedic astrology transits. If this reflects the position in the natal horoscope then some fated events can come to pass, since fixed signs connote fixed or Dridha Karma. The transit chart - The transit chart for March 9, 2016 is extracted below for ready reference- Quite clearly, the signs of Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius contain all the planets in the zodiac and on March 9 even the transit Moon is in Aquarius. Mutual supporters - By this configuration, the planets are also acting in tandem, despite their quite different natures and agendas. This is due to the fact that they are in mutual quadrants or Kendras from each other and thus become Paraspara Karaka. Importance of the transit of the outer planets and papers thereon - Rahu in Leo, joined Jupiter - I have previously written about the conjunction of Jupiter and Rahu in Leo and its impact for all signs and ...
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