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Daily Vedic/ Hindu/ Indian Horoscope Predictions for 26th to 28th of May, 2013

How the previous prediction based on the transits turned out for people-

Our anticipation about the characteristics of the Moon transit in Scorpio have turned out to be well-founded with those fortunate enough to be associated with this eternal art reporting that the mind had indeed delved deep into the depth of Vṛṣcika Rāśi (Vrishchika Rashi/ Scorpio), the experience was not overwhelming due to the optimism of the promise of benefic planets in the 7th from the transit Moon, in Taurus/ Vṛṣabha/ Vrishabha-the sign of plenty and comforts. This preceding post for the Moon in Scorpio is here- 

This transit, here and now-

Anyhow, this is all remembrance of things past and now the transit Moon has moved to Sagittarius the sign of eternal optimism, where the greatest benefic of the zodiac, Gurū/ Guru/ Jupiter goes to work. This is the sign of wisdom and Sanātana Dharma-that which does not change and furnished eternal truth. Truth, and the deepest metaphysical truth is the hallmark of Dhanuṣa Rāśi/ Dhanusha Rashi/ Sagittarius which arms itself with arrows of Jñana/ knowledge which destroy ignorance and disbelief and also actual physical warrior's arrows which stand tall to protect Dharma, even in the Kaliyuga. Hence the archer with the bow strung in this sign. All that is required is for an arrow to be placed on the bow. That is up to you. Do you wish to place the arrow of magical sight and perspective on this bow to forever change your life and the way you look at it!

The chart for the entry of the Moon into Dhanuṣa/ Dhanusha/ Sagittarius is given below for your reference-


Remember Rāhu/Rahu was instilling doubt in the mind while the latter grappled with Kārmic/ Karmic depths but now it is in a fire sign and this is the time to take initiative and act. The mind is the greatest impulse for action-use it. Now the Gaṅdāṅta/ Gandanta is also being crossed and soon the mind will be clear of the water-fire dichotomy for you to revel in the domain of Jupiter and to derive benefit from Brahmin advisors (read wise counsel in any walk of life), especially in education, finance, treasury, law, judiciary, astrology, spirituality, religion, physics, philosophy and other such signified areas of the planet Jupiter. 

Things often merit a closer look-

When we look closely we see that the Moon or our mind is not free to simply enjoy the width, expansion, optimism and wisdom of Jupiter and Sagittarius. There are desires and forces at play.

1. Śani/ Shani/ Saturn aspects the Moon (influences the mind) with its huge 3rd house special aspect making the mind do more than its fair share of labour by contemplating how much more one can and do to ensure that one is where one wants to be;

2. Maṅgala/ Mangala/ Mars also aspects the Moon with its 8th House aspect infusing it with rage and aggression, for protection if well disposed, and for destruction if ill-disposed.

The gentle Moon gets overwhelmed when exposed to the diametrically opposed forces of Saturn and Mars all at once and thus the mental edginess.


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