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Vedic Astrology Scrutiny of Nepal Earthquakes and Aftershocks on 25th and 26th April, 2015

The Nepal Earthquake on Saturday, the 25th of April, 2015 shortly before noon, measuring 7.9 on the Richter scale and the aftershocks therafter,  as well as the earthquake on Sunday, the 26th of April, 2015 measuring 6.7 in magnitude can be attributed solely to the condition of transit Mercury/  Budha at this time. 

The transit chart is given below for ready reference-

Tattwa (Element)-

Mercury (Budha) rules the Pṛthwi (Prithwi or the Earth element) Tattwa in Vedic astrology.

Earthquake in Vedic Astrology-

Earthquake is quite simply the earth quaking or moving which is a disturbance and anomaly in the Pṛthwi Tattwa because this element is fixed. Earth, the planet which we live on furnishes a constant context of fixity, which brings to our lives the notion of stability and being rooted. When the Earth moves, we feel completely disoriented- apart from the damage of property and homes and construction and the loss of human life and limb, rational processes may be impaired and other significations of Mercury may also show damage.

Why Earthquake-

Budha (Mercury) is severely afflicted in transit owing to its conjunction with two malefics, Mars and the Sun. Mars (Maṅgala or Mangala [Kuja]) is very strong in its Moolatrikona (Mūlatṛkoṇa) Rāśi (Rashi) Meṣa (Mesha or Aries) and the Sun (Sūrya or Surya) is in fact exalted. These powerful malefics form a Curse of Mercury in transit.


The sign or Rāśi (Rashi) where this happens is inimical to Mercury and Mercury’s worst enemy Mars is joined the Kāraka (Karaka) planet.

Mercury is also fast approaching the Rashi Sandhi or the junctional region between Aries and Taurus. In Taurus (Vṛshabha or Vrishabha) Rāśi, Mercury will be in a friendly sign ruled by Venus although still afflicted by the Graha Dṛṣṭi of Śani and Rāhu.

That Yoga has the propensity to bring storms and hurricanes but the Earth element will be more rooted in the fixed and friendly Taurus.

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(C) Anurag Sharma
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Disclaimer: For those who have glimpsed the magic of Jyotish, magnificent treasures await in the vast ocean of this knowledge. Hindu Astrology Analyses offered by the Consultant are not empirical pronouncements of the type made in the realm of the physical sciences. The Analyses are not in the true or false format but delve into the horoscope to derive insights about the life of the native in a spiritual reference frame. These insights should be used by those availing them at their sole discretion and responsibility.


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