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Illustrations of a Few Important Classical Principles in Vedic Astrology/ Jyotisha

The association of Rahu with Mangala/ Mars causes Kuja Stambhana. Mangala comes under a kind of spell where He becomes frozen and the Bhavas ruled by Mangala are destroyed by Rahu. This is a highly adverse Yoga/ combination which leads to sudden and undesirable developments- these may be violent and decisive in nature. Examples could include accidents, falls of a diabolical nature, exposure to fire in a traumatic fashion, sudden disaster, trouble with law enforcement, surgery in difficult circumstances and other very testing matters of this sort.

In a Meena Lagna chart (Example Chart I), the Yoga of Mangala and Rahu occurs in the Labha Sthana/ 11th Bhava from the Lagna. Mangala is exalted as the Yogakaraka Graha for the Lagna. There is no direct connection with the Lagna but the Lagnesha Guru is placed in the Navama Bhava from the Lagna in Vrishchika Rashi/ Scorpio ruled by Mangala. Mangala is therefore the dispositor of the Lagna lord. It is for this reason that the effects of the Kuja Stambhana were felt by the native. 

Mangala rules properties and is the Naisargika Karaka/ significator for land and immovable properties. The native was convicted and imprisoned in a case of cheating involving immovable property. Rahu is well-known as ruling the significations of cheating and fraud. At the time this was happening, the spouse of the native was completely shattered. She gave the impression that she was unaware that these kind of activities were happening, though otherwise it is difficult to believe. But no evaluation of the veracity of this impression was carried out through the horoscope at the time, since there was no occasion for it. 

The native has Shani in Upapada Lagna in Vrishabha Rashi/ Taurus in the 3rd Bhava from the Lagna. Shani in the Upapada Lagna is adverse, being opposed to all Arudha Padas and is in Marana Karaka Sthana from the Upapada. This brings suffocation to the marriage and can lead to other issues depending on the relevant placements in the horoscope. Inspite of assets being repossessed (vehicles etc.) as a consequence of other defaults on the part of the native, at the time the spouse was intent on being at the native's side, even when the native was at large, and had not been apprehended. 

The 2nd lord from the Upapada (UL) is Budha/ Mercury and is placed in exaltation in the Vivaha Bhava/ 7th House from the Lagna and aspects the 2nd from the UL with Rashi Drishti. This confirms that the marital bond is very strong and will be very difficult to break. It appeared at the time that it was the shared destiny of the couple to face the results of the adverse events together. Budha is also the Badhakesha for the Lagna and in exaltation promises to act like a very strong Rahu having the potential to give some shocking events in marital life. The spouse was resident outside India when the native decided to get married, conforming the positive role of the Badhakesha at the time, giving marriage in this fashion. 

Even otherwise, the Karma from the Satya Peetha, in the realm of marriage is interesting. The 6th lord Surya is placed in the 7th House with the Neecha/ debilitated Shukra/ Venus, who is the lord of the 3rd and 8th Bhavas from the Lagna. 

The other principle we would like to highlight here is that of 'Vipareetam Ketouh'. Ketu is in the Arudha Lagna in this horoscope and the counting of the Bhavas from the Arudha Lagna is in reverse for that reason. By this reckoning, the UL is in the 3rd Bhava from the Arudha Lagna (AL). Shani/ Saturn being a strong malefic in the 3rd Bhava from the AL, gives another Vipareeta Raja Yoga at the time of marriage. Rahu aspects the UL with Graha Drishti and the Yoga of Mangala and Rahu aspects the UL with Rashi Drishti. Sometimes, the vehemence of the Yoga is mitigated owing to the strength of Shani, Shani being the Karaka of the 8th Bhava of longevity. 

Here, Shani is in the Dushchikya Bhava from the Udaya Lagna and in the 3rd Bhava from the AL as well. Mangala is the Karaka of the 3rd Bhava from the Lagna and the Kuja Stambhana destroys the 3rd Bhava since Mars is finished off by Rahu. These indications do not augur well for the marriage and for the spouse. Mangala is also the 2nd and 9th lord from the Lagna. The wealth and liquidity of the native was destroyed at the time and it would not be a surprise if the father suffered adversity in his life as well for  variety of reasons.     

At this time, it appears improbable that the spouse did not know that the source of funds and the like was suspect because the union of the 6th and 8th lords forms Vipareeta Raja Yoga which is enjoyed by the spouse represented by the 7th lord Mercury, since Budha is joined the Yoga. Vipareeta Raja Yoga comes at some kind of price and in Kendra it can indicate the downfall of someone who favours the beneficiary of the Yoga. The spouse appears to have enjoyed the fruits of the Yoga but it was accompanied by the native being found guilty of having committed crimes, and imprisoned subsequently.  

As stated, the Arudha Lagna is in the 5th Bhava from the Lagna in Karkata Rashi/ Cancer. The Yoga of Mangala and Rahu in the Arudha Saptama has completely blocked and destroyed the Arudha (image) of the person in society due to these developments. 

In the other illustrative horoscope (Example Chart II), Meena Lagna once again rises in the Rashi Chakra. The 6th lord Surya is placed in the Lagna. The native has a receding hairline which is usually seen owing to the Agni of Surya in Lagna. When the 6th lord is in the Lagna, life is full of troubles, challenges, and a general atmosphere of strife prevails. The native may be sickly or prone to illnesses since the 6th lord rules these matters in life. 

With the planet ruling enemies coming to the Lagna, the native becomes combative and often needlessly combative. Budha being the Badhakesha is Neecha in the Lagna- this is not a good combination. Guru is in Amala Yoga in the 10th Bhava and the AL is in Mithuna/ Gemini in the 4th Bhava. Foreign lands have been very conspicuous in the life of the native from an early age and he has been in India only sporadically. It is just as well because the Neecha Badhakesha will not function well in the country of birth and will pose any number of shocking challenges. The Yoga of the 7th lord in debility and the 6th lord has proved to be an impediment in marriage. 

The UL is in the 3rd Bhava from the Lagna which has Yama Yoga of Shani and Mangala. This has prevented the UL from manifesting. The UL is also in the 12th Bhava from the AL indicating that the native rejects the idea of marriage in some way. Shukra, the lord of the UL is placed in the Maraka 2nd Bhava from the Lagna which is a highly adverse station since He is in the 8th from the Karaka Bhava. There is Parivartana Yoga between Shukra and Mangala and finally the results are as if Shukra is joined a Marana Karaka Sthana Shani in UL. In that case, Shukra will be in the 12th Bhava from the AL as well. This is a peculiar case where despite the Amala Yoga, work and career, even the societal image cannot be said to have fructified in any clear way. The reason is that Chandra is in Karkata Rashi in the 5th Bhava and the AL is in the 12th Bhava from Chandra, who is the Karaka of the AL and of all Arudha Padas. The Karaka rejects the Arudha Lagna. The AL and the Arudha Chakra have not fructified for that reason. 

There are effects of Kuja Stambhana in this chart as well as Rahu aspects Mangala with Graha Drishti from the 11th Bhava from the Lagna. But this does not have anything to do with the Lagna, Instead, the Yoga impacts the UL. The Yoga is also broken due to the Parivartana Yoga discussed and Mangala comes to Mesha for that reason. Any run-ins with the police for miscellaneous reasons are also mitigated for this reason. 

There are other possibilities and Karmic derivations possible. In another case (Example Chart III), the Yoga and the constituent Grahas do not directly influence the Lagna. However, Rahu has Purna Graha Drishti on the Lagna. While the usual effects of the Yoga have not come to bear on the Lagna, the native could not escape the effects completely. There was a health issue which was difficult to diagnose (Rahu) which was ultimately diagnosed and required surgery (Mangala) to treat and cure. This can be separately examined from the viewpoint of health. However, there is no doubt that the Yoga is formed in its fullest strength owing to the conjunction of Mangala and Rahu. 

In this horoscope, Shani is in Vrishchika Rashi, lorded by Mangala, and Shani while in an inimical sign, is in the 6th Bhava from the Lagna having Amrita Drishti. This could have been a factor in mitigating the effects of the Yoga as far as the native is concerned, even though the connection of the Yoga with the Lagna is even otherwise only tenuous. However, the Yoga can operate fully if it associates with another person identifiable through the Rashi Chakra. There the Amrita Drishti of Shani may not help because Shani would not be in the 6th House when taken from the Bhava relevant to such a person. If the Yoga exists in the horoscope of such concerned person, then Karma is pointing in a certain direction, including through the tapestry of shared destinies. 

There is Kuja Stambhana Yoga operating in transit at the time this paper is being written. Mangala is transiting Mesha Rashi in June, 2024. Rahu aspects Mangala with His Hangman's Noose from Meena Rashi and Shani adds fuel to this fire with His Graha Drishti to Mangala from Kumbha Rashi. The loss of lives at Rudraprayag and in the train accident in West Bengal are two examples of the working of this Yoga in transit. Thus, the Yoga can be devastating in the nativity especially if acting in respect to the native and when it is unmitigated by the lack of strength of Shani. Vipareeta Raja Yogas are also to be treated with caution as they often involve difficult Karmic energies. 


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