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Illustrations of a Few Important Classical Principles in Vedic Astrology/ Jyotisha

The association of Rahu with Mangala/ Mars causes Kuja Stambhana. Mangala comes under a kind of spell where He becomes frozen and the Bhavas ruled by Mangala are destroyed by Rahu. This is a highly adverse Yoga/ combination which leads to sudden and undesirable developments- these may be violent and decisive in nature. Examples could include accidents, falls of a diabolical nature, exposure to fire in a traumatic fashion, sudden disaster, trouble with law enforcement, surgery in difficult circumstances and other very testing matters of this sort. In a Meena Lagna chart (Example Chart I), the Yoga of Mangala and Rahu occurs in the Labha Sthana/ 11th Bhava from the Lagna. Mangala is exalted as the Yogakaraka Graha for the Lagna. There is no direct connection with the Lagna but the Lagnesha Guru is placed in the Navama Bhava from the Lagna in Vrishchika Rashi/ Scorpio ruled by Mangala. Mangala is therefore the dispositor of the Lagna lord. It is for this reason that the effects of the Kuj
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